What's the last thing that you said to yourself?


This week I've been getting several questions about mental health & mindset.

How we perceive and deal with the world is a huge part of how we manage ourselves in it.

Even after wandering the planet for 40+ years, a surprising number of people speak to themselves as if they don't deserve to be here. What makes this worse is I've seen this antipathy spread to children & family, leading to destructive & damaging situations.

I just want to remind you to be kind to yourself. The better you treat yourself, the better you'll do for yourself, & the better you'll treat others.

We often frame our lives with the way that we talk to ourselves.

When we engage in positive self-talk, we start to view the work more positively, & ultimately ourselves too. We can't always control what happens, but we do get to choose how we respond.

Positive self-talk and a more optimistic outlook can have other health benefits, including:

  • increased vitality

  • greater life satisfaction

  • improved immune function

  • reduced pain

  • better cardiovascular health

  • better physical well-being

  • reduced risk for death

  • less stress and distress

This is a no brainer. Getting control of your brain and your thinking is a major part of getting control of any part of your life.

Have you had any serious challenges with negative self talk or negative thinking?

How can I help?

I'm reading every reply.

To your best health,

Dr Kpakpo