Never be hungry again?

How to permanently conquer your cravings

Never be hungry again?

Nutrition is a massive cornerstone of health & well-being, so we’re going to cover it again here.

Conventional fat loss advice focusses on calories and how to limit them.

Standard calorie reduction diets have a massive failure rate.

For instance, did you know few people in Weight Watchers maintain weight loss over the long term?

In fact, over 5 years, only a paltry 16% maintain their weight loss.

Do you know why?

Aside from the fact that they completely ignore the main pillars of sustained weight loss, it’s because focusing on calories doesn’t eliminate the main source of weight gain:


Using willpower against constant hunger is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

Few people can hold out over the longer term, especially when that longer term is your life.

Any successful eating plan must satisfy your hunger.

Hunger is largely determined by the macronutrient composition of your diet.

Of the three main macronutrients – carbohydrates, fat, and protein – protein is the most satiating.

The more protein you eat, the less hungry you will be.

Fat is less satiating, and carbohydrates are the least satiating of all. In fact, some carbs are like net negatives for hunger: the more of them you eat, the hungrier you will be.

Ever wonder why you’re insatiably hungry after eating McDonalds, despite eating your bodyweight in calories?

It’s due to a lack of satiating nutrients in the food (if you could call it ‘food’).

Another factor that drives hunger is nutrient density, i.e the amount of macronutrients and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) in food.

So if you aren’t properly nourished, your body screams for more nutrients, and therefore you eat more to get nourishment.

Finally, any discussion on hunger wouldn’t be complete without mentioning water intake.

You see, most of what people consider to be ‘hunger’ is actually dehydration in disguise.

More often than not, your rumbling stomach is a sign you’re dehydrated. So next time it rumbles, drink a pint of water, wait 15 minutes, and see how you feel


In summary, most people don’t deal well with hunger because they have no idea how to manage it.

Become aware of your hydration and eating habits.

Manage hunger and you’ll manage your waistline.

Get minimally processed foods into your diet. They are far more nourishing than food that comes out of a box or bag, and you’ll notice that they keep hunger at bay far more effectively.

They will keep you more satisfied and satiated for longer, which is ultimately what leads to lasting results.

Action steps

Next time you go grocery shopping stick to the outer aisles. The majority of whole foods like fruits and vegetables, meat, and seafood are all located in the outer aisles.

Drink more water, eat more satiating foods and you’ll keep hunger at bay permanently. A good rule of thumb with water intake is to drink half your bodyweight in pounds in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs then you would aim for at least 90 oz of water a day.

And if you're a high-performing man who wants to create a lifestyle that not only helps you lose weight and increase your energy, but also have more time for your family, then apply for my coaching below:

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To your best health,

Dr Kpakpo