This is what you were made for.

A special message to the men…

I can tell early on which clients are going to make it work more easily.

I just have to listen out for something…

Negative self-talk.

More people than you realise are defeated before they start.

We admire brave warriors for their courage in battle, physical prowess, ability to endure, and devotion to a higher cause or ideal.

Consider Navy SEALS pinned down while on a mission in the unforgiving Hindu Kush mountains; surrounded by Taliban.

The 47 Ronin Samurai, facing certain death, who refuse to abandon the strict Bushido code to avenge the death of their master.

Aztec warriors who didn’t give in in the face of overwhelming Spanish battlefield superiority.

The desire to accomplish the mission and conquer; regardless of any obstacles.

You may not be a warrior in the traditional sense, but you’re still a man on the battlefield of life.

Men today are encouraged to deny their instincts and everything it means to be a man.

But here’s the thing:

It’s wrong to NOT be a man.

Today more than ever, the world needs men to be men.

That means you must embrace what it means to be a man and not deny your instincts.

Men are designed to conquer.

If you deny your instinct to conquer, you will become depressed and miserable.

Conquest and victory is how we evolved – because the men who didn’t think this way got their asses kicked and got killed.

Now I’m not saying you should join a viking raiding party, board a longboat and burn down the parish church.

I’m talking about having something in your life that requires 100% focused effort for achievement.

That means living for a higher ideal; something greater than yourself.

This could be a commitment to being the best father and husband you’re capable of being, or building a massive business empire that leaves a great legacy for your family and the world when you’re gone.

It’s the reason men are obsessed with their business, their job, or obsessed like the Wall Street guys who are on the phone for 15 hours a day.

They're looking to conquer the world. They don’t give a shit about Wall Street—they don’t even give a shit about whatever they sell.

It's financial conquest, but it’s still conquest just like any other.

So what’s the lesson I want to teach you today?

Embrace a Warrior’s Mindset.

Be unrelenting in the face of your challenges in life.

Adopt a never say die attitude.

No matter where you are in your life right now, no one is served when you shrink from your challenges.

And where does this all begin?

With your mindset and self-talk.

Imagine you are a Samurai swordsman or a Medieval knight.

How do you think they would talk to themselves?

Would they say things like:

"Oh, I’m not sure if I can do this"

"I don’t know if my business is going to work."

"I won’t approach that girl because I’m not sure she’ll like me."

Or would they say:

"I’m going to MAKE my business work no matter what."

"I am going to approach that beautiful woman, and even if I get rejected, I will do it anyway."

"I am going to get up at 6AM and workout even though I want to stay in bed because it’s important to me."


Everything starts in the mind, gentlemen. You can view your life as a series of challenges to be conquered.

Or like most men, because of your negative self-talk, you can be defeated before you’ve even started.

So do this……

Start to bring awareness to the way you talk to yourself. Do you think in terms of conquest and victory? Or are you a defeatist, i.e. the definition of a loser?

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right." – Henry Ford

Mindset and self-talk is at the heart of everything I do with my coaching clients.

You can't convince others you're the man if you don't think you are in your own mind.

If you want to forge an unbreakable will and mindset that helps you conquer your challenges in life, I invite you to apply to work with me.

There's no obligation to work with me.

The form takes no more than 2 minutes to fill out. I'll get back to you within 36 hours and let you know if you're a good fit for the program.

To your best health,

Dr Kpakpo