How to know where you'll be this time in 2023

Merry Christmas!

I apologise for the time between this message and last.

Truth be told, life well and truly got in the way, and I didn't have a system in place for my emails to be produced without fail.

And in fact, it highlighted an important part of how any aspect of our health gets managed.


Until you perceive of something as an absolute priority, there's every chance that it falls be the wayside.

If something is a priority, even if you end up slacking for a day or two, the pull to get back on track is strong. Strong enough that picking up the habit again will come far more easily.

Making something a priority is different to a habit. But it can start as one.

It's something that involves a deep, fundamental change in how we see ourselves. In what we deem necessary to represent ourselves in the world.

Sometimes it might not even be a conscious decision, and before you realise it you've consistently been doing something for months because you felt compelled to do so.

The key here is that at some point you decided that things had to be a certain way. And then you took the steps to make that so.

And that's how we become what we want and what we want to see.

So while you indulge yourself over the next couple of days, consider what you would like to make a priority for the new you. And take one small step, no matter how small, towards making that the case.

And for bonus points, go again the next day. And follow up the action so that you're already developing the habit and identity before the New Year starts.

I'm really interested to know what your plans are! Reply to this email to let me know, and tell me what that first small step is going to be.

I'm going to make and eat some very indulgent food and look forward to staying on track despite all the temptations....

To your best health,

Dr Kpakpo