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- The Golden Rule I learned from Tokyo, Paris & Beziers
The Golden Rule I learned from Tokyo, Paris & Beziers
This is the way to live.
Say what you want about France, but you can’t deny it makes an impression.
Images of French culture are imprinted on the minds of most - excellent wine, sophisticated culture, chic mademoiselles…
Being from the UK, I’ve had several opportunities to indulge in the culture.
On long and short stays, in cities and villages, at beach festivals and country chalets.
Every time I’ve been there, whether for days or months, the key difference between the UK perspective and the French perspective becomes clearer.
A fierce and uncompromising love for their culture & enjoying all of its fruits is paramount.
But alongside is a realisation that with this indulgence must come moderation.
The British perspective of boozing until you can’t see is hugely frowned upon and is anathema to their way of being.
In the dozen or so times I’ve been there, I’ve very rarely seen the French staggering around drunk.
An honour reserved for the visiting Englishmen.
Now that I’m living in Japan, I see something similar.
So much delicious food (so, so, so much…), but moderation is the key.
(Except with alcohol and salarymen on a Friday, but that’s a conversation for another day)
The idea of 腹八分目 or hara hachi bun me.
Consume until you are 80% full.
The balance between moderation and pleasure.
There’s an unspoken rule in English speaking countries that pleasure cannot coexist with moderation – as if they are mutually exclusive.
"Why are you eating healthy? Just enjoy yourself! YOLO lol!"
"You gotta eat 5 meals a day and workout 5 days a week to look good!"
No. It’s abundantly clear looking around the world that there’s another way to do this.
Enjoy eating well, but not too much.
Enjoy drinking well, but not too much.
Be present and savour the moment of experience, do not wallow in indulgence.
An ultra disciplined monk like existence isn’t necessary to reach most people’s goals. In fact, it’s positively undesirable.
Many other cultures intuitively understand how to live a balanced life that promotes health, well-being and joy.
It’s been said a billion times over - balance and moderation are vital keys to a joyful, prosperous existence.
And isn’t that what most of us want?
And that includes the opportunity to overindulge.
But the key is not to do it year round.
And when you’ve been living a balanced life for long enough, you may find that you don’t need or want to.
So, consider this…
Have you thought where you might be overindulging in your life right now?
Coffee? Sleep? Sex? Relationships? One particular type of food or drink?
Take the time to think about it, and how you might change the way you approach it in future.
If you want, reply to this email and tell me what you’ve learned.
To your best health,
Dr Kpakpo
P.S. I’m taking on 2 more busy professional or entrepreneurs this month for 1-on-1 coaching to:
• Increase energy
• Increase healthspan
• Improve & optimise health
With straightforward planning & advice.
If you’re interested, reply to this email, or DM me on Twitter here.